The Best Credit Repair Jobs

When you search for credit repair jobs, you may be unsure whether or not to hire a company to do the work for you. It’s important to remember that credit repair companies can only do so much. It’s your credit report that’s the key to your financial future, so...

Cool Tips to Build Up Your Credit

Building up your credit is not hard at all. You don’t need to take out a second mortgage or make a large purchase in order to get the information you need to apply for a loan. Whether you want to buy a home, buy a car, or simply pay...

Which Credit Help Apps Are Right For You?

One way to fix your credit is to use a credit help app. There are several credit help apps available in the app store. Some are free, others charge. There are premium services like TransUnion and SeedFi. Let’s look at the top three of them. Which one is right...

How to Get Your First Credit Card With No History

The first step in getting your first credit card is to verify that you don’t have any prior credit history. There are several ways to do this, including applying for retail or department store cards, Student credit cards, and Unsecured credit cards. While these types of credit cards do...

How to Pay Stinky Lame Credit Card Debt

How can you pay off credit card debt? Here are some tips. Start with the smallest balance first. Next, avoid overspending. Finally, try a debt management plan if you cannot make your payments on time. If all else fails, use a balance transfer card or debt management plan to...

How to Increase Credit Limit Without Hurting Your Credit

How to increase credit limit without ruining your credit? There are several things you should know before you approach your creditor. You must be aware that credit is more than just a number, so it is essential that you first review your credit report to make sure that you...

Raise your Credit Score and do your Homework when Buying a House

There are some tips that can help you raise your credit score to the required 620 to buy a house. Some of these include getting your balances lower, having a home inspection done, or getting a cosigner. You may also want to consider taking out a line of credit...

Credit Help For Veterans

If you’re a veteran looking for credit help, there are several resources to choose from. These resources include participating banks, including large national banks and smaller state-chartered banks. All banks are federally insured, and participating credit unions require that you have a share account. Whether you’re applying for a...

How Credit Card Interest Is Calculated

Before we go into the details of how credit card interest is calculated, let’s take a moment to look at what the average daily balance method is. This method is used to determine how much you’ll owe after paying the minimum balance each day. Variable, fixed, and promotional rates...

Credit Help For Buying a House

If your credit isn’t as good as you’d like, you have several options for buying a home. Your current debt load and history with credit may be factors, as is your history of bankruptcy and letting items go into collections. While your financial health isn’t the only factor, lenders...