What Are the Factors That Affect Your Credit Score?

If you want to increase your credit score, there are many factors you need to look at. The type of credit you have, your payment history, and your credit utilization are among them. There are also other factors you should consider as well. Payment history The payment history factor...

Credit Help For Seniors

Credit help for seniors is available in many different forms. These can include debt forgiveness, debt consolidation, Medicare savings programs, reverse mortgages and Social Security income. Social Security Income If you’re a senior, there are many programs to help you bridge the gap between your income and your expenses....

How to Fix Your Credit For Free

Whether you’re looking for a credit repair service, or a way to fix your own credit, there are several ways you can do it. The first thing you should do is get a free credit report. This will allow you to see if there are any errors or duplicate...

How to Get a Credit Score of 800

Getting a credit score of 800 isn’t easy, but it is possible. There are a few key factors to consider that will help you get a score. These factors are your payment history, your credit utilization ratio, and how often you apply for new credit. Payment history counts for...

Credit Report Freezing – How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Getting a credit report freeze is a good way to prevent identity thieves from opening new lines of credit in your name. It also helps to protect you from fraud, which is often caused by using stolen credit card numbers. Protect yourself from identity theft Identify theft can be...

Credit Repair Agents

Whether you’re trying to avoid paying for credit repair or trying to get out of the red, there are many different options available to you. There are companies that will charge you a monthly fee and do the work for you, or there are those that charge a flat...

How Bad Credit Affects a Joint Mortgage Credit Score

There are several benefits to getting a joint mortgage. Before you decide to sign on for one, you should understand how bad credit affects a joint mortgage credit score. In addition, you should learn about the limits on how many people can be on a mortgage, and how you...

How Does Credit Repair Work?

Credit repair companies work by walking customers through the process. They pull your credit report from the three major bureaus and explain what mistakes are on your file. They may also give you personal finance advice. In some cases, they will ask you to sign a written contract giving...

Things to Know Before You Freeze Your Credit

Until November 2007 freezing your credit was only available in states with specific laws governing the matter. Now, however, Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian offer this service to consumers throughout the nation. The fees will remain the same, but consumers will pay less to use this service. Here are some...