Important Credit Tips For College Students

While it may be tempting to get a credit card, many college students fall into the trap of racking up debt before paying it off. A credit card account makes up 30 percent of a student’s credit score, so not paying it off every month will lower your score. Not to mention the fact that credit card interest can be five times as high as the student loan interest! If you have been using your credit card as a way to pay off bills, you should start a plan right away to avoid credit card debt.
Avoid annual fees
Several credit card tips can help college students avoid annual fees and other costs. While federal laws restrict credit card marketing on college campuses, young adults are inundated with offers and often sign up for several cards. These cards may have good features, but they are not the best option for young people just starting out, or those without an established income. Encourage your child to decline offers and designate you as the authorized user on their credit card so that you can monitor spending.
Another credit tip for college students is to use credit cards responsibly. Use them only for convenience and not to borrow money for long periods of time. Only make purchases that you can afford to pay off each month. Always pay off the balance by the due date. Never be late on a bill. Mark your calendar with the due date and set reminders for yourself one week before. And remember to use no more than one third of your credit card’s available balance.
Avoid multiple credit cards
Getting multiple credit cards will increase your borrowing capacity and credit limit. However, if you do not learn how to responsibly manage these cards, you may end up spending more than you can afford or miss payments. To avoid the negative effects of multiple credit cards, pay off the balances each month in full. Often, student credit cards require proof of enrollment, so be sure to wait at least six months between applications. Otherwise, you may end up with multiple accounts, each with their own high interest rates.
Using multiple credit cards can cause your credit score to decrease, which could affect future borrowing opportunities. It is better to pay off one card each month than to have several with similar interest rates. Using online banking is a good option for managing multiple accounts. Set up automatic payments reminders to remind you of the due date. You can also sign up for mobile and online banking alerts. Make sure to pay off all your bills on time every month to avoid any late fees.
Only get a card if you have a reliable income and can afford to pay off the balance every month. College students rarely have the necessary income to make their balances balance-free. Most will settle for the minimum payment each month. Additionally, law limits student use of credit. Avoid multiple credit cards for college students.
Avoid late payments
The first tip to avoid late payments for college students is to pay your bills on time. Late payment fees can cost you hundreds of dollars per month. The best way to avoid these fees is to pay by the due date. However, if you miss a payment, you can appeal. However, you should never pay more than two weeks after the due date of your bill. If you have any financial hardship, you should consider dropping a course before paying your bill in full.
Another way to avoid paying late is to sign up for autopay. This option automatically pays your credit card bills, even if you are not in class. Since college students often cannot afford to pay more than the minimum, this option can be a lifesaver. You can also sign up for alerts to remind you of upcoming payments, nearing credit limits, and fraudulent activity. It’s easy to forget about paying a bill, so a simple reminder to pay your account is enough to avoid a late fee.
Avoid missed payments on credit cards
Among the many ways to avoid missing payments on credit cards for college students is to choose the right card. Credit issuers do not want accounts that are charged off or discharged for less than the full amount owed. They are looking for loyal customers. By following the above tips, you can keep your accounts in good standing. If you miss a payment on a credit card, you will be penalized with a high interest rate.
Be sure to read the terms of the agreement before signing up for a card. Compare the interest rates and fees and choose the card that best meets your needs. Generally, the best college student credit cards do not charge annual fees and have a low credit limit. However, there are exceptions. Depending on the type of card you are interested in, you may want to consider opening more than one credit card.
Another way to avoid missed payments on credit cards for college students is to open a checking account at a bank. Although this will not increase your credit score, it will prepare you for handling finances professionally. You can also consider opening a credit card account at your bank. This will help you establish a good reputation with your bank, which will make gaining credit easier in the future. Once you’ve established a good history, you can apply for a credit card for college students.
Avoid late payments on secured credit cards
Ensure you do not pay late on your secured credit card for college students. Many parents let their kids “piggyback” on their cards. To avoid late fees, you must make the minimum payment every month. A late payment can hurt your credit rating. The following tips can help you avoid late payments on your secured credit card. You can avoid fees and late payments by making your payments on time. Also, you should not carry a balance on your card.
Always pay the balance in full when applying for a secured credit card. Some issuers require a security deposit of up to $200 to provide a guarantee of payment. Secured credit cards often have high interest rates, but you can lower them by making your payments on time. In addition, you can take advantage of some benefits offered by secured credit cards. Some offer travel rewards, free credit monitoring services, or other useful extras.
Make sure you read the fine print and understand all fees. Some student credit cards charge annual fees and foreign transaction fees. Always read the fine print and ask questions. If you are paying late, your credit score will suffer. You can avoid late payments by setting up automatic payments for your card and checking your statement regularly. Remember that you still are the primary cardholder, and any missed payments affect both you and your co-signer.
Avoid missed payments on unsecured credit cards
A college student can benefit from being an authorized user on an unsecured card, as long as they follow good credit habits. This is especially true if the student has limited income and is unsure of their creditworthiness. But while an unsecured card does not require a credit score to be approved, it can still have hidden fees. Among these fees are foreign transaction fees and a monthly maintenance fee. Prepaid cards do not have these benefits. However, they may allow other authorized users to use the card, but only the primary cardholder is legally responsible for the debt.
Some student credit cards require a co-signer under the age of 21, but it is not necessary to have a previous history to qualify for one. However, some of these cards have high interest rates, and it is important to remember that it is the student’s responsibility to pay the bills. If a student doesn’t make payments, they will build a bad credit history. To avoid missed payments, students should make their monthly payments on time. The biggest reason not to get a credit card as a college student is the risk of missing payments. One way to avoid missing payments on unsecured credit cards for college students is to set up automatic payments and pay an annual fee. Another way is to lock the card to limit the temptation to overspend while still building your credit. While locking the card will prevent overspending, it won’t prevent you from building good credit.

George is the lead writer on He also writes in the business and tech space. On George specializes in credit company reviews and diy articles.