Improve Your Credit Score With These Credit Report Tips
Check your credit report for errors. Even though this may seem obvious, making late payments on a credit card can negatively affect your score. There are ways to improve your credit score, though. In this article, we’ll discuss how to check your report regularly and how to dispute any...
Quickly Fix Your Credit Report for Free
If you have discovered errors on your credit report, the first step is to dispute them. Contact the three main credit reporting agencies - Equifax, Experian, and Transunion - to explain your dispute. It is helpful to use a template letter, which will include your name, middle initial, and...
How to File a Dispute with Equifax, Experian, and Transunion
Here we have some quick info and videos that will help you quickly file a dispute on Equifax, Experian, or Transunion. How to File an Equifax Dispute Using the Equifax dispute page is easy, but you should understand the steps involved before you begin. You need to log into...
So, what exactly is a Credit Union?
A credit union is a cooperative, a not-for-profit financial institution that offers loans and savings accounts to its members at low interest rates. As a not-for-profit institution, they receive lower interest rates on savings and loans because they have fewer fees. They also offer free financial counseling to members....
Credit History Checks and Reports
A credit history check is an important part of the application process for hiring a finance or accounts person. It is often difficult to locate relevant information on a candidate’s background, particularly if they’ve had several bankruptcy filings. Luckily, there are many free and paid services that will help...
Some Quick Credit Tips For Teens
Providing your teen with a credit card is a big step, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Fortunately, there are some basic credit tips for teens that will help them build a good financial history. Getting a credit card is like learning how to tie a shoe: it...
What is a Hard Inquiry on my Credit Report
Having a hard inquiry on your credit report can hurt your credit score. Your credit score is a number that is based on several factors, including your payment history, credit utilization, and age of accounts. The more inquiries you have on your report, the lower your score will be....
What is a Credit Dispute Letter?
A sample dispute letter is available online. It should include all of the items you want to challenge and state the facts about the item. The dispute letter should ask the business to remove or correct the information. You should also attach a copy of your credit report and...
Direct Payday Loans Explained
There are many benefits of Direct Payday loans, including the ability to get the money you need on the same day you apply. Unlike a traditional bank, a direct lender does not have a middleman to sell your information or share it with a third party. You can apply...
What is in a Credit Report?
A credit report is an account of your financial history. It is a public record of your past and current debts, and is used by businesses, lenders, and even potential landlords to determine your eligibility for loans and certain jobs. Many businesses will check your credit report, including banks....